Social Media 

The conversation about the connection between Bollywood entertainer Sushmita Sen and previous IPL official Lalit Modi isn’t halting. Everybody via virtual entertainment is responding diversely about their relationship. Simultaneously, a segment is likewise ridiculing the dating of Sushmita and Lalit Modi. In such a circumstance, the ex of the entertainer, Rohman Shawl, has answered the trawler in motions.

Social Media

Rohman Shawl answered to the trawler

As a matter of fact, Sushmita Sen and Lalit Modi are being savaged a ton via online entertainment with respect to their relationship. In the mean time, Sushmita Sen’s ex Rohman Shawl has shared a post in the story on his authority Instagram handle. Here of Rohman Shawl it is composed that-“In the event that you get help from snickering at somebody, giggle.” Because it isn’t him however you.” Rohman has not referenced anybody here. However, it very well may be speculated that he is focusing on the trawler.

Sushmita Sen came in relationship following 7 months of separation

It is quite important that Rohman Shawl and Sushmita Sen were involved with one another for quite a while. Frequently these two couples should have been visible submerged in one another’s affection. Whether it is a public castle or online entertainment. However at that point out of nowhere it happened that Rohman and Sushmita Sen separated. Following a hole of 7 months of separation with her ex Rohman Shawl, Sushmita Sen has gone into a relationship with money manager Lalit Modi.